Events list
08-09 February 2024
The 8th International Conference on Climate Change 2024
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Theme: “Effective and Innovative Solutions for Achieving Net Zero”
18-22 February
22nd AfWASA International Congress and Exhibition
Location: Guinea Conakry
Call for papers, deadline 30 Sept 2023
21-23 February
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
26 February - 01 March
Sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Theme: effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
26-18 February
06 March
OECD Competition Open Day
Location: Paris, France
15-17 April
Location: London, UK
Theme: Security for a Changing Planet. Aim is to promote the connection between water security, climate change and the broader sense that water investment can bring economic and environmental stability to our planet.
17-20 May
17-20 May - IWA Conference on Sustainable Sludge Management
Location: Beijing, China
18-24 May
Location: Bali, Indonesia
18-22 June
Location: Singapore
Global platform to share and co-create innovative water solutions.
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
This annual event brings together water leaders from around the world to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities in the water sector.
11-15 August
IWA World Water Congress Exhibition
Location: Toronto, Canada
Thought leaders, decision makers, leading researchers and business representatives from within and outside the water sector will focus on water solutions to shape our water future
22-23 September
Location: New York, USA
The Summit of the Future will build upon the SDG Summit and breathe new life into the multilateral system so that it can deliver on the promises of the United Nations Charter and the 2030 Agenda.
11-24 November
10-14 November
17th IWA Small Water and Wastewater Systems and 9th IWA Resource Oriented Sanitation
Location: Curtiba, Brazil
16-20 March
14th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

World Water Week 2021
Public Development Banks’ role on accelerating WASH access to all
Hear about the experiences, best practices, tools and instruments developed by PDBs to accelerate financing in the Water Sector, as well as the enabling environment needed to mobilize innovative sources of financing.
Explore conversations around blended finance, climate funds, green/blue impact bonds and the SDG6 Global Acceleration Framework.

UN 2023 Water Conference
Public Development Banks committed to Water Security
Hear about the experiences, best practices, tools and instruments developed by PDBs to accelerate financing in the Water Sector, as well as the enabling environment needed to mobilize innovative sources of financing.
Explore conversations around blended finance, climate funds, green/blue impact bonds and the SDG6 Global Acceleration Framework.